Africa Twin Forum - POLAND

Africa Twin Forum - POLAND (
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-   -   Africa Twin meeting in Hungary, 2009.09.04. - 2009.09.06. (

Złom 06.09.2009 23:25

Hi Brasil

6 guys from Poland were yesterday at meeting place about 10pm, but they didn't find any Africa Twin colleagues.
You were hidden well ...


Brasil 07.09.2009 08:33

More than 30 people were!

Here was a map!
(map and free map for GPS)

I'm so sorry

Złom 07.09.2009 12:25

Yeah, they were axactly where maps shows. Probably you were at some good drink bar at that time. I don't think so you were sleeping already??!!

Regards, Złom

Brasil 07.09.2009 13:09

If we talk about the 5 people, then they can tell where we were ...
Once again, I'm so sorry!

Brasil 07.09.2009 13:15

Next time, try to select more.
I hope you come!

Brasil 07.09.2009 16:10


kudlacz 07.09.2009 21:02

Hi Brasil, guys from Poland are already at home, watching off-road youtube films. Thanks for good time party, hope see You next time. :)

BartekBBI 07.09.2009 21:30

Podlasie Dotarło Do Domu Cało I Zdrowo;) Podziekowania Dla Ludzi Za Mile Towarzystwo I Dla Wojtka Za Goscine;) Milo Bylo. Thank's Brasil For A Party. Evrything Was Great. And Off...delicious;)

Brasil 08.09.2009 15:15

Come next time! :at:
Tell your friends where to camp was because he was not found there.

Waldek 08.09.2009 22:52


Napisał Brasil (Post 73492)
Hi Walden,
I'm sorry that it did not come. It was good for the party (as always) :D.
Send me the email address.
Send the link if you are ready for the galleries.

I was just trying to register to your AT Forum, but I gave up... I used English version but I died by first register form: Felhasználónév,Vezeteknev, Keresztnév. Thanks, it's enough. Last time you said me that Hungarian language is simple, so it seems: not for me.:mur:
Please contakt me on my e'mail:

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