Africa Twin Forum - POLAND

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diabolikItaly 27.07.2023 06:45


Napisał ArtiZet (Post 824365)
Hi Diabolik.
I live 30km west of Warsaw. Call me directly or by WhatsUp if you have problems +48 501 001 219.
I have garage in case you have to leave your motorcycle in Poland.

many thanks Artizet...

diabolikItaly 27.07.2023 06:47


Napisał jochen (Post 824396)
For Cracovia you can use me - 601972650 also on WhatsApp. Take care!

thanks Jochen...

diabolikItaly 27.07.2023 07:07

this is photo:

dawid8210 27.07.2023 17:54

Nice bike, nice road :)

diabolikItaly 28.07.2023 09:55

this photo is in Croatia for holiday 2019....beutiful road in croatia, romania, bosnia, montenegro, kosovo, serbia and bulgaria...21 days...

Mallory 28.07.2023 10:22


Napisał diabolikItaly (Post 824594)
this photo is in Croatia for holiday 2019....beutiful road in croatia, romania, bosnia, montenegro, kosovo, serbia and bulgaria...21 days...

diabolikItaly... Thanks for the photo. We can see it's an adventure machine:))))
It's my RD04, mileage is about 80,000 km...

diabolikItaly 28.07.2023 11:10


Napisał Mallory (Post 824598)
diabolikItaly... Thanks for the photo. We can see it's an adventure machine:))))
It's my RD04, mileage is about 80,000 km...


very beautiful........

consigliero 28.07.2023 11:23


Napisał diabolikItaly (Post 824177)
Cześć chłopaki, jestem Włochem i od 08.05.23 do 08.16.23 będę w Polsce na wakacjach na moim motocyklu (africa twin RD04), jadę odwiedzić najważniejsze miasta w Polsce i chciałbym mieć kontakt (numer telefonu lub e-mail) do kogoś z was, kto byłby chętny do pomocy w przypadku problemów z moim motocyklem.......
Potrzebuję kontaktów (telefon lub e-mail) w celu transportu motocykla do warsztatu lub transportu do Włoch, jeśli motocykl nie nadaje się do naprawy....
Nie znam nikogo w Polsce i dlatego bardzo ważny jest dla mnie kontakt z lokalną osobą, która może mi pomóc w razie potrzeby.......Potrzebuję pomocy w znalezieniu przewoźnika, który przewiezie mój motocykl......niestety nie mówię po polsku, znam trochę angielski....

Mam nadzieję na twoją pomoc ....... dzięki i wesołych świąt wszystkim ....

************************************************** *****

Hi guys, I'm Italian and from 08.05.23 to 08.16.23 I'll be in Poland to take a vacation with my motorbike (africa twin RD04), I'm going to visit the most important cities in Poland and I'd like to have a contact (telephone number or email) of someone of you willing to help me in case my motorbike has problems.........
I need some contacts (telephone or email) for transporting the motorbike to the workshop or for transport to Italy, if the motorbike cannot be repaired....
I don't know anyone in Poland and for this reason it is very important for me to have a contact with a local person who can help me in case of need........I need help to find a transporter willing to transport my motorbike......unfortunately I don't speak Polish, I know a little English....

I hope for your help ....... thanks and happy holidays to all ....

Why you are so pessimistic, that you prepare for bad things? So you intend to make your trip between 5.08.23 and 16.08.23? Do you have any itinerary for your excursion?

Greetings Marek

diabolikItaly 29.07.2023 08:46


Napisał consigliero (Post 824603)
Why you are so pessimistic, that you prepare for bad things? So you intend to make your trip between 5.08.23 and 16.08.23? Do you have any itinerary for your excursion?

Greetings Marek


Hi Marek, I don't have a precise itinerary.......I would like to visit the most important cities of Poland and Slovakia....

P.S if you want to leave me your number I can call you in case of need.......even just to help me translate from Polish to English for example....

stopa-uć 29.07.2023 10:48

Give Your no. phone


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