Africa Twin Forum - POLAND

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madafakinges 30.08.2017 11:31

post 1557

nie wygląda to dobrze...

bicio 30.08.2017 11:48

Za to zawiecho z posta #1577 wygląda obiecująco :)

madafakinges 02.09.2017 12:37

Honda will need time to sort this all out. The second they say, "Yes, there is a problem with XYZ", people will be bombarding their dealers with questions and demands to fix it. In order to fix the problem, you need to figure out exactly what's going on. Is it a bad run of anodizing, bushings issue, too much flex in the tubes, over torqued lower clamps bolts? Other? They'll need to run tests with updated parts to make sure they actually are better than the previous version.... likely several revisions. They need time to produce the new parts (thousands of sets). They may need to design and make new tooling to even be able to make the new parts. Then they need to get parts on the way to dealers. At that point they may acknowledge there's an issue. If you see anything public and official from Honda any sooner than 3 months from now I'd be surprised.

How many months did it take BMW to put out an official statement about the R1200GS stanchions separating? Then shortly after that statement, dealers had the special clamp/crimping tool and new parts. I can assure you BMW started looking into the issues soon after hearing about the first forks separating. Honda will be doing the same here, quietly working on the issue and trying to get ahead of it before the masses hear about it.

I have no doubt Honda will sort it out but they are a giant company and it'll take time.

radiolog 02.09.2017 18:05

Czyli trzeba czekać 3 lata minimum

madafakinges 04.09.2017 17:07

2 Załącznik(ów)
Załącznik 72559

Załącznik 72560

bicio 04.09.2017 17:12

Montowałem w sobotę lagi w lc8 po raz pierwszy wg tego poradnika

i raczej mi się nie zdaje, że działają lepiej. Więc te niuanse grają tu rolę.

radiolog 04.09.2017 17:32


Napisał madafakinges (Post 546292)

To Twoje?

madafakinges 04.09.2017 17:34

Nie jakiś gość wrzucil

madafakinges 04.09.2017 17:42

Dokręcenie dolnej półki nie mają wpływu, na wytarcie. W konflikt suspension robią testy mieli jedną afre ktorej zaraz po kupnie "popuścili" śruby i po 2000mil rozebrali i miała takie same slady wytarcia.
Robią teraz testy z nowym anodowanien i innymi teflonowymi panewkami.

madafakinges 05.09.2017 11:25
SWAP zawiasu na KYB

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