Africa Twin Forum - POLAND

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APC 13.04.2020 21:26

Africa Twin 125:

Franz 17.04.2020 12:50

1 Załącznik(ów)
Japoński rozumiemy doskonale 😜👍


Napisał Artek (Post 677079)
Ciekawe jak rozwiążą temat tylnego siedziska dla pasażera...
Podnóżki są, osłona termiczna też...

Podobnie jak tu

Na podobnym sprzęcie zaczalem motoryzacje na dwóch
kółkach i prawdopodobne też skończę

aadamuss 17.04.2020 19:09

Kojarzy ktoś może Yamahę Mate? Można to gdzieś kupic w okolicy ?

Wysłane z mojego SM-G973F przy użyciu Tapatalka

Artek 03.08.2020 23:22

Ogólna budowa, demontaż plastkowych osłon itp...

Porównanie CT125 Hunter Cub i mniejszej CC110 Cross Cub

Artek 16.11.2020 22:13

Nadal żadnych oficjalnych info od dilera?
Ktoś coś...?

sudden 17.11.2020 00:34

1 Załącznik(ów)

Napisał Franz (Post 677654)
Japoński rozumiemy doskonale ����

Przecież zawsze można włączyć polskie tłumaczenie :)

Załącznik 101886

Artek 25.11.2020 18:43

Pytałem telefonicznie w Honda Plaza. Tej wiosny Europa raczej nie zobaczy ww. motorka. :(

Artek 03.10.2021 16:18

Czyżby Trail miał europejską premierę na EICMA 25 listopada?

muszel72 17.11.2021 22:39

Też jestem żywo zainteresowany czy wejdzie na wiosnę czy też nie.

nabrU 21.11.2021 17:12

Hunter Cub można (średnio) oficjalnie dostać w UK tutaj:

Kolega kupił 2 (czerwoną i taką brązową) i zastanawia się nad trzecią, bo twierdzi, że to dobra lokata kasy (ale on ma dużo kasy i motocykli w tym NAT) ;)

Kilka słow (w oryginale) od niego na temat Hunter Cub:



What was going to be a half hour potter last night around nearly empty New Forest roads near me turned into an 80km run that saw me take in some forest roads I had genuinely never ridden, a few miles of (quiet) A road, a short stint of uphill dual carriageway and even a forest car park 'off road' section. This morning I zig zagged the HC across to Sammy Millers and back for the Royal Enfield 120 years meeting, pretty much all of it on 30 & 40mph restricted forest roads but this time with some other road users thrown in.

I'll get performance out the way first of all; there ain't any :D, or at least in running in mode there isn't. It's make sticking to the 30's and 40's around the forest pretty easy but the few miles I've done at national speed limits, even as I've tweaked my self imposed top gear limit up to 45mph, had someone sat up my chuff. Hopefully I'll see 50mph+ cruising speed once ran in which should help on any A roads I blunder onto by mistake. It's nippy enough from pull away and a snick down to third was all that was needed on even one or two steepish hills in the forest speed limits but I'm expecting long 'faster' uphills to be challenging. I can't wait to get the running in finished with. 1.5 / 5 so far

It's actually quite roomy and, at least for the short stints I've done so far, perfectly comfortable. The seat seems to have a good blend of firm but forgiving with room to move back and forward a little, the suspension is soft and forgiving, even of most of the forest pot holes and the controls are as light and slick as you would expect of Honda. At first the heel part of the gear change and the kickstart did foul the rear of my boots but once I got used to it I found foot positions that were comfortable that didn't connect and that still allows enough wiggle room. The soft suspension does make it a little pogo-ey on bumpy roads but better that than jarring IMO so overall comfort gets a 3.5 / 5 so far

The brakes seem very well suited to the bike, rear needs a hefty hoof to lock (no ABS) but the pedal, now adjusted to be right under my toe, has plenty of feel so locking on gravel or wet roads (even on brand new tyres) has so far been deliberate. The front is a little soft but has good feel and the ABS seems to cut in very late, I even managed teeny stoppies when I spent five minutes checking brake action and tyre grip. 4/ 5 from me.

Handling is hilariously light :D. The route I took this morning has lots 90 degree bends and a few triple corner sections and I found myself bobbing and weaving about as I turned in too soon, way, wayyyy too soon, corrected, then back in again. The steering only requires the merest hint and it turns although I wasn't able to invoke any stability by wiggling the bars, even at a heady 45mph on a bumpyish section. The IRC 'adventure' pattern tyres seems fine so far although I've not been pushing them as only just worn the bobbles off the mid section, they're 80/90 and 90/90 17's so, along with the light weight and steering, contribute to the overall handling characteristics and I'm sure will be fine. 3/5 with I'm sure more to come once I get used to it

Off road (okay 5 minutes in a gravel car park with a muddy bank in the middle) - suspension is cushy enough and had enough travel to clear reasonable bumps, tyres not really suited to wet conditions but were okay, easy to control back end when locked, on gravel at least and I could see it doing easy off road sections nae bother. I even managed a few doughnuts in the deserted car park, not sure it will be able to brake traction on a dry tarmac though so will restrict such antics to 'off road' for now. The standing position, as is most of the bike in reality, isn't really suited to anything other than gravel tracks as the bars are bit too close to my body. 3/5 hopefully another half a point with the trail tyres fitted that I have coming.

Other; fit and finish looks very good, lots of nice little details and the motor and gear box feels spot on, smooth, quiet and willing. Didn't take long to get used to the heel & toe and auto clutch, even allows a little blip on downward changes when necessary. In reality, it will spend most of it's time in 4th on the road with 1st only needed when pulling away from a standstill, even then 2nd will do unless uphill or a nippy pull out needed. I didn't fully fill the tank when I first got it (only had a couple of litres in a can) so can't report on mpg yet but I brimmed it when it went down to one blob on the fuel gauge today (only 3.8 litres so probably a little pessimistic, I don't know whether there is a fuel warning light as manual is in Japanese!) so will check when I next brim it, could be my first three figure mpg bike, at least while running in.

Early likes; it is most definitely fun, it is most definitely a Honda, brings lots of enquiries and questions when parked up, ride quality is better than I expected, auto clutch & gearbox combo is definitely better than I expected (but then Honda have built a few!), brakes spot on, no side stand cut out switch to have to disable, no ABS on rear brake

Early dislikes; speedo can't be changed to mph, has too little info (speed, odo, two trips, fuel gauge) and is too dim in sunlight, a clock would have been nice at least. Wider than I thought it would be, particularly the back end where the rack is too big and the exhaust offset to the right further than it's needs to be. Lots of plastic which I think will suffer, at least in my hands, off road. Makes a Himalayan seem quick, will I really get into the ultra slow biking thing? .......... but that's me rather than the bike.

................. and the brown is really growing on me, it may even be the fastest colour :D

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