Africa Twin Forum - POLAND

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Brasil 10.08.2009 20:21

Africa Twin meeting in Hungary, 2009.09.04. - 2009.09.06.
This year, too!
Africa Twin meeting of the Balaton.
2009.09.04. - 2009.09.06.
Saturday OFF ROAD!

Adagiio 10.08.2009 22:21

Jedna z lepszych tras OFF jakie udało mi sie przejechać na wiosennym spotkaniu :), je¶li damy radę to wpadniemy , jedziemy z koleg± do RO a to przecież po drodze .
W przyszłym tygodniu potwierdzę na 100 % .

Brasil 19.08.2009 12:16

This year, too!
Africa Twin meeting of the Balaton.
2009.09.04. - 2009.09.06.
Saturday OFF ROAD!

Tent - 1.200HUF/night/person + Tax 330HUF ~ 4,5EUR + 1,2EUR

Trailer (Motorhome) - 1pc for 3 personal + 1pc for 4 personal 1.800HUF/night/person + Tax
330HUF ~ 6,6EUR + 1,2EUR

House - 3pc for 2x2 personal (4 personal), 12.000HUF/night (regardless of the person
sleeping in it the number) + Tax 330HUF ~ 44EUR + 1,2EUR

(common bathing facilities - shower and toalett)

Payment is due on entrance and only in HUF

Foods and drinks will be available for all in the Bufet.

Bring bathing suits!
The campsite has its own beach!

wojtek77 19.08.2009 14:07

Czy kto¶ się wybiera?

kudlacz 19.08.2009 17:10

najprawdopodobniej :) Jo pojode

SzymonBBI 19.08.2009 23:19

Ja bym chętnie sie wybrał, jakby było do kogo doł±czyć po drodze.:)

Adagiio 20.08.2009 09:55


Napisał XRV Rally (Post 69757)
Jedna z lepszych tras OFF jakie udało mi sie przejechać na wiosennym spotkaniu :), je¶li damy radę to wpadniemy , jedziemy z koleg± do RO a to przecież po drodze .
W przyszłym tygodniu potwierdzę na 100 % .

Zrezygnowali¶my ze względu na lenistwo , nie chce nam się targać ze sob± i przekładać opon .

Waldek 03.09.2009 23:04


Napisał Brasil (Post 70636)
This year, too!
Africa Twin meeting of the Balaton.
2009.09.04. - 2009.09.06.
Saturday OFF ROAD!

Hi Brasil,
I don't know what happen, but I have overlooked your information and now is too late to change all my plans for weekend. If I had seen it before I woluld go to meet you, but now as I wrote above, is just too late... It is so pity, specially I would join it with explore of Romanian off roads.
Anyway: enjoy your self and share with us with all photo you will made.
Regards for all boys and kiss for all girls ;). Hope see you next time ( in Poland or Hungary)

Brasil 06.09.2009 16:40

Thank you for the 5 Polish colleagues to come and the presence of increased levels of the event!
I hope you liked the OFF ROAD!
The departure was a bit chaotic :dizzy:, but hope was not a problem on the road :).
Come next time!

Brasil 06.09.2009 16:46

Hi Walden,
I'm sorry that it did not come. It was good for the party (as always) :D.
Send me the email address.
Send the link if you are ready for the galleries.

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