Africa Twin Forum - POLAND

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sambor1965 20.09.2010 11:40

Rumunia propozycja
Mam kolege Codruta. Rumun, ktory troche endurzy. Korespondujemy troche i ostatnio mi napisal pare propozycji tras.
Zamieszczam, bo moze sie komus przyda w drodze do Hajduszocostam...

anyway there is a nice off road trak from Brasov - Sacele - Valea Doftanei - Campina (most of it off road), then the are some nice roads in the Harghita and Covasna counties. There is the road by the Danube which is with v v nice scenery between Oravita and Drobeta Turnu Severin (but I guess you know that) and...regarding south I strongly recommend you riding on the shores of the back sea. I did that from Vadu (Corbu) till Gura Portitei...but you can go further till Sf Gheorghe or Sulina in the danube delta (of course there are some parts you need to cross the water but you can do it - we used some truck camera to cross them; here are some short videos:
I was with a kawasaki motocross bike but I also did it with my husqvarna. Of course this is not a road it is just ridding on the shores on the sea for many tens of km...which I don't know if you did but it is a great experience

And also in the area next to the sea (Dobrogea) there are some deserted roads you can do. If you want I can make you a good route from north to south includind all I've wrriten above.

matjas 20.09.2010 12:29


Panie - deklaracja nie do pogardzenia. zwłaszcza, że po sygnałach tegorocznych z Rumunii jest: super, tanio, super, eeeee... blisko. I jakby jeszcze było wiadomo jak to zrobić Pn -> Pd to byłby miód. Pewnie wielu się przyda i nie trza będzie /bez urazy!!!/ czytać po raz kolejny o Transfogaraskiej alebo innych takich co to są zawsze żelaznym punktem programu z powodu nieznajomości lokalnych tras.


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