Africa Twin Forum - POLAND

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Brasil 16.02.2011 13:41

Dino Rally
Hello Dino-riders,
Dinosaurs are extinct. In general they were big, slow - just like our bikes. And these dino-bikes will die out soon since their attribution does not meet the „market-demands”. Too heavy for off-road, too slow for on-road – I’m sure you’ve heard these verdicts. (Dinosaurs have descendants today, just as dino-bikes have.)
Now we invite you for a meeting of these off-road bikes (+600ccm, +160kg) in Hungary on 28-29 of May, 2011. Located at an off-road track where you can ride your dino hard.
Track fee is ~EUR4,-/day/person including the charge of tent camping.
(Meal can be organised once the estimated number of participants will be known.)

Obviously the event suits for riders from Hungary ;) Austria, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland, Slovenia, Croatia due to the distance of Nagycenk from these counties. But manful Advriders are welcome from all over the world.
Let’s get Endurassic! :-)

Registration and more info:

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