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Stary 02.03.2010, 00:34   #8

Zarejestrowany: Mar 2009
Miasto: UK prawie pakistan :-)
Posty: 46
Motocykl: nie mam AT jeszcze
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Georgia, Russia open Larsi-Kazbegi exit point

01.03.10 10:14

Larsi-Kazbegi exit-point on the northern border of Georgia with Russia opens today. Georgian side resumed operation of the customs at 7 a.m. , and the Russian side at 11 a.m.
The passengers having the passports of the CIS member states will cross the border without obstructions.
Georgian side is waiting for official explanations from the Russian side regarding the postponement of the reopening of customs on Larsi.
Russia closed the customs on Larsi before the August war, when they deported thousands of Georgian emigrants from Russia. Their argument was repair works on the customs, however, the checkpoint has been closed since then.
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