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Stary 17.11.2010, 11:38   #23
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Zarejestrowany: Mar 2008
Miasto: Warszawa
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sambor1965 jest na dystyngowanej drodze
Online: 2 miesiące 3 tygodni 2 dni 7 godz 30 min 48 s

We saw the sad news from Robert on your website. We (Claudia and Andreas Huelsmann) met in 2009 at the Pamir Highway. We are the two biker (BMW) with the yellow truck. Claudia and I where very shocked and we feel sorry. It was a short meating on the Highway, but we remember all of you very well. What happend to Robert brought back sad memories to us. We lost a very good friend in a motorcycle accident 2009, shortly before we started the trip. And we know how bad it is to lose a friend.

All the best to you

Claudia and Andreas
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