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Stary 07.01.2011, 13:11   #2
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Zarejestrowany: Mar 2008
Miasto: Warszawa
Posty: 3,669
Motocykl: RD04
Galeria: Zdjęcia
sambor1965 jest na dystyngowanej drodze
Online: 2 miesiące 3 tygodni 2 dni 7 godz 30 min 48 s

Dear Friends,
We would like to invite you officially to the IZI Meeting 2011 international rally in mid May. Below you will find the first details of the event:

Date: 13.05 - 15.05.2011
Location: Grodziec castle (in the area of Bolesławiec and Legnica, south-western part of Poland)
Location details: www.grodziec.com
Primary purpose of the event: commemoration of our deceased friend, Izi, and raising funds to finance his son’s summer vacation and textbooks / stationery materials for the next grade
Cost: Euro 55,00 / person
Accommodation: we will set up appropriate number of military tents supplied with folding beds on the castle premises. Of course everyone who would like to put up his own tent will be able to do it in a designated area.
We may also offer an additional option of staying in one of two large, 12-person rooms in the castle itself – it will, however, be charged extra Euro 13,00 for 2 nights per person. The number of beds in this option is limited to 24 only. The total cost for those who decide to sleep in the castle will then be Euro 68,00.
Parking for the bikes: bikes will have to be dropped in a designated, protected parking space on one of the castle’s courtyards. We are sorry but crazing around the castle ground or dropping bikes anyplace will not be possible
Food: of course the meeting price includes food for participants. We will be able to provide a detailed menu at a later date but we may guarantee that you will enjoy it. You may then wash down whatever you eat with beer, red wine or alcohol free beverages (or with a bit of everything). Also, following our tradition we promise to welcome all incoming visitors with a shot of something good to warm you up after the trip
Event programme: we will provide a detailed programme of the meeting at a later date. At this point we guarantee that it will feature a lot of attractions and that you will have to make choices as it will simply be impossible to cover everything
Account for payments:
Marcin Woyna-Orlewicz
Ul. Obozowa 45/11
30-383 Kraków
account no: 94 1240 1444 1978 0010 3718 0022
PayPal: orlewicz at hotmail.com; address as above

People who paid the fee should visit this page http://africatwin.com.pl/zlot/ and make registration.

So much for now. I would like to emphasize that everybody is welcome (NOT just Africa Twin owners), we will be happy to see you in Grodziec no matter what kind / brand of bike you ride.
Jeśli sądzisz, że potrafisz to masz rację. Jeśli sądzisz, że nie potrafisz – również masz rację.

Ostatnio edytowane przez sambor1965 : 17.01.2011 o 22:38
sambor1965 jest offline   Odpowiedź z Cytowaniem