Wątek: Dino Rally
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Stary 16.02.2011, 13:41   #1
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Zarejestrowany: Oct 2008
Miasto: Węgry
Posty: 91
Motocykl: RD07a
Galeria: Zdjęcia
Brasil jest na dystyngowanej drodze
Online: 1 dzień 6 godz 47 min 4 s
Domyślnie Dino Rally

Hello Dino-riders,
Dinosaurs are extinct. In general they were big, slow - just like our bikes. And these dino-bikes will die out soon since their attribution does not meet the „market-demands”. Too heavy for off-road, too slow for on-road – I’m sure you’ve heard these verdicts. (Dinosaurs have descendants today, just as dino-bikes have.)
Now we invite you for a meeting of these off-road bikes (+600ccm, +160kg) in Hungary on 28-29 of May, 2011. Located at an off-road track where you can ride your dino hard.
Track fee is ~EUR4,-/day/person including the charge of tent camping.
(Meal can be organised once the estimated number of participants will be known.)

Obviously the event suits for riders from Hungary Austria, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland, Slovenia, Croatia due to the distance of Nagycenk from these counties. But manful Advriders are welcome from all over the world.
Let’s get Endurassic! :-)

Registration and more info: drbig-club@freemail.hu
Web: www.africatwin.hu
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AfricaTwinClubHungary
Skype: www.africatwin.hu

Ostatnio edytowane przez Brasil : 16.02.2011 o 13:43
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