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Stary 14.09.2008, 18:12   #17
świeżym warto być:)
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Zarejestrowany: Mar 2008
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bajrasz jest na dystyngowanej drodze
Online: 1 miesiąc 2 tygodni 4 dni 10 godz 58 min 39 s

Takie info dostałem od Tibora:

Hello !

The HUNGARIAN NATO - National Africa Twin Owners :-) October keeps the meeting of the closing of the season between 23 and 26.
Eger, this are the sites because of 130 kilometres Budapest to east, near the M3 motorway.
The neighbourhood the most famous Hungarian wine-growing region, because of this the evening program visiting the cellars and Aries pushing.
We go into the neighbourhood thermal bath in case of bad weather.
The we plan two tour. Into one of the Bükk mountain ranges, this 140kilométer will be.
The other into the Mátra mountain range, this 120 kilometres.
The last year's pictures here: http://www.africatwin.hu/images/gale.../kt/index.html

Info+regist: info@africatwin.hu

Pan Bajrasz

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