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Stary 18.05.2012, 12:05   #104
Paluch's Avatar

Zarejestrowany: Mar 2011
Miasto: Koło
Posty: 253
Motocykl: XTZ 660 3YF
Paluch jest na dystyngowanej drodze
Online: 2 tygodni 4 dni 20 godz 54 min 52 s

Napisał Brasil Zobacz post
Hi guys,

We are really greatful that this year as well, just like before, you received us in a warm and cheerful manner.
Thank you for the great atmosphere and for the perfect hosting.
We will be there next year as well for sure!

Sorry, our server is a little bit slow...

A couple of pictures (I "stole" 1 or 2 from you)
Olso thanks to you and "Mivan bas wech " or something like that
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