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Stary 11.10.2012, 21:53   #6
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Zarejestrowany: Apr 2008
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Posty: 65
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Domyślnie UK bez wiz na pd. Algierii

21godz. temu Chris Scott na HUBB napisał:
no UK visas being issued

Well, according to the London consulate the whole south is closed to tourists.
'the South is too dangerous - it is our responsibility...'.

I explained I was there last January (it was possibly the same woman who issued me the visa in London that time) - she didn't have an answer for that. And that I heard a Brit go a visa in September (not sure if it's true - one of yours, Andras?). She didn't have an answer for that either, but from her manner there was no negotiation so I guess it's a [new?] UK consular edict.
As is widely known, Algerian consulates around the world exercise their own discretion on whether the south is safe for tourism.
And it's not like they took the money and then strung it out for weeks until it gets too late (a tactic used elsewhere), or picked holes in the apps - it was 'no way' up front.

I was told we could travel to the north (some sort of laissez passer was mentioned), so with cars this might be used as a dodge to try and get south.

I was also informed last week by an Algerian that visa regs have changed - but was not told what has changed exactly. Don't know if this is what was meant. I dont think so.



Ostatnio edytowane przez enduromaniak : 11.10.2012 o 22:00
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