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Stary 22.10.2012, 11:45   #749
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Zapłaciłem składkę :)

Zarejestrowany: Jan 2011
Miasto: Południe
Posty: 990
Galeria: Zdjęcia
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Online: 1 miesiąc 1 tydzień 3 godz 5 min 13 s

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kolejna ściema... z cyklu: "Wyślij pieniądze, a już wysyłam motocykl..."

I have a safe method to propose you that will protect both of us in this deal.
The shipping cost to Poland are are included in the price.
You pay only the price of the motorbike 3.500 EUR.
The motorbike is ready for shipping at the shipping company.
To receive it you must pay the money for the motorbike to the shipping company with a BANK ACCOUNT .
After the payment is checked and if everything is OK the motorbike will be shipped towards you.

itd. itp.

*INCA RIDE 2024*
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