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Stary 26.10.2008, 16:27   #71
Brasil's Avatar

Zarejestrowany: Oct 2008
Miasto: Węgry
Posty: 91
Motocykl: RD07a
Galeria: Zdjęcia
Brasil jest na dystyngowanej drodze
Online: 1 dzień 6 godz 47 min 4 s

I hope for it in one you got home!
We tell you thank you for having come very much and with this
you raised the standard of the meeting!
Riding a motorcycle together was superb and to have fun together!
I hope for it next year more we meet!
We expect you new one in a May!
Web: www.africatwin.hu
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AfricaTwinClubHungary
Skype: www.africatwin.hu
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