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Stary 27.10.2008, 12:07   #77
Kierowca bombowca
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Zapłaciłem składkę :)

Zarejestrowany: Mar 2008
Miasto: Kraków
Posty: 2,565
Motocykl: RD07a
jochen jest na dystyngowanej drodze
Online: 1 miesiąc 1 tydzień 4 dni 18 godz 13 min 45 s

Brasil, thank you very much for a great time together!! It was such a cool weekend!! I think we should start a new tradition of Polish-Hungarian meetings. As I said to you guys, I will let you know as soon as we have decided as to the time and date of our Spring season opening meeting. Take care and see ya (hopefully soon!). Ciao
AT RD07A, '98, HRC
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