20.05.2013, 12:46
Łowcy z Łopola
Zarejestrowany: Jun 2008
Miasto: O! Pole...
Posty: 1,236
Motocykl: Szwenduro
Online: 2 miesiące 2 tygodni 19 godz 57 min 23 s
Napisał majki
Eeee...jaki subframe  690 czegoś takiego nie ma, no chyba, że połamała zbiornik paliwa... 
Chodziło mi o te radosne śruby
It’s a major problem with the way the 690 has been designed – there is no metal subframe – the underseat fuel tank doubles as a subframe. All very well for enduro riding, but for luggage carrying adventure riding, it’s a real liability. The bolts and bushes that make up the fuel tank attachments could be considerably stronger, or better still the attachment should share the load on both sides of the bolt, instead of all the stress pulling the leveraged bolt one way, ensuring its only a matter of time before it snaps. EVERY long trip on a 690E WILL shear the factory tank bolts. I tried to get Sherri to order some custom tougher bolts from an Australian guy (‘Mudguts’) who has developed a solution to this problem, but time was very short before she left. She just had time to get spare factory bolts. These are only a temporary fix - these too will fail.
Ostatnio edytowane przez mishieck : 20.05.2013 o 12:51