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Stary 07.07.2013, 23:16   #243
jaro's Avatar

Zarejestrowany: Mar 2008
Miasto: Dabrowa G.
Posty: 690
Motocykl: RD07a DRZ 400E
jaro jest na dystyngowanej drodze
Online: 1 miesiąc 2 tygodni 5 dni 10 godz 6 min 16 s

Gdyby u kogoś wystąpił podobny problem z GoPro jak u mnie tu jest rozwiązanie:

First try this :

1. Turn ON your gopro and activate the Wifi
2. Pair your phone and camera via wifi as usual
3. Launch the GoPro App. On the app homescreen you'll click on the spanner icon at the top right
4. Click on [Preview Player] and choose SOFTWARE PLAYER.

It may simply work like this. If not, try rebooting your phone once. If it still not working, you should probably MANUALLY update your Gopro software by following these steps :

5. Connect your Gopro on your computer via USB cable and switch it ON. Be sure you have at least 30 min of battery
6. Format your Gopro SD card (warning, it will delete all the files on the card!)
7. Disconnect the Gopro

8. Go to support section of the gopro website. In the [Product update] field choose your camera.
9. Don't use the automatic-Java procedure, choose the MANUAL UPDATE instead. Click on continue
10. Enter your first name/last name/email as asked and continue.
11. Enter your Gopro Serial Number then continue
12. Save the zip file on your computer

13. Connect your Gopro on your computer via USB cable and switch it ON
14. Unzip the file on the root of your GoPro SDcard
15. Disconnect the Gopro

16. Switch ON the Gopro and wait until the update process is completed (can last up to 15 min)
17. Switch OFF the Gopro

Try again steps 1 - 4.

U mnie pomogło wszystko działa.
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