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Stary 09.07.2013, 23:05   #4

Zarejestrowany: Nov 2008
Posty: 250
Motocykl: nie mam AT już
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Online: 1 tydzień 4 dni 8 godz 19 min 9 s

Znalazłem obstrukcje do tego zbiornika http://shop.touratechpolska.pl/media...100-0016-0.pdf ale niewiele mi to mówi najlepiej jakiś rysunek

Running the petrol hoses:
The 61cm long 6x3.5 petrol hose is run between the front and rear cylinders on the left hand side. Fix this petrol hose loosely to the clutch cable on the right hand side and run in an arc towards the front. Please make sure that the petrol hose is never next to the manifold or exhaust or that it is rubbing in other places. Please remove the original petrol filter. Now the petrol pump and its connections must be rotated forward. The rubber fixing on the pump must be turned 180° so that the pump can be fitted properly. The original petrol hoses between the pump and the petrol filter or carburettor can be shortened to the required length. Now the petrol filter supplied is fixed to the pump inlet petrol hose with the 11 - 13mm hose clamp.

niewiem mój angielski jest słaby coś tu piszą o puszczaniu między cylindrami czy o kablu sprzęgła ?
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