Wątek: Nowa Afryka
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Stary 07.05.2014, 09:55   #159
Rychu72's Avatar

Zarejestrowany: Oct 2010
Miasto: wilidż Opole
Posty: 2,547
Motocykl: CRF 1100
Przebieg: 0 kkm
Rychu72 jest na dystyngowanej drodze
Online: 2 miesiące 2 dni 6 godz 39 min 30 s

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A to brzmi ładnie:

Potential specs reported by Motorrad describe a new Africa Twin with a 1000cc Parallel-Twin instead of a V-Twin (apparently for cost saving purposes). The engine output would be around 100 hp with a dry weight of 397 lb (180 kg) and price tag of roughly $13,800 US. The bike would ride on a 21″ front wheel and 17″ rear, with 9.8 inches (250 mm) of suspension travel.

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