Wątek: Nowa Afryka
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Stary 30.10.2014, 00:13   #511
QrczaQ's Avatar

Zarejestrowany: Mar 2008
Miasto: Sexu i biznesu
Posty: 1,562
Motocykl: CRF1000, R80G/S PD, DR650SE
QrczaQ jest na dystyngowanej drodze
Online: 2 tygodni 5 dni 3 godz 3 min 52 s

[...]and a new Africa Twin featuring a 1000 cc parallel twin engine designed to be both compact and light.
The long-awaited return of the Africa Twin model may come in the form of two editions, including a road-biased version and a much more hardcore off-road version.[...]
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