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Stary 04.02.2015, 12:25   #5
Drak'as's Avatar

Zarejestrowany: Sep 2013
Miasto: Ukmerge
Posty: 69
Motocykl: afryky jusz nie mam :-(
Przebieg: 70000
Drak'as jest na dystyngowanej drodze
Online: 2 dni 7 godz 9 min 14 s

This is approximate Enduro club of Lithaunia schedule:
-Season opening €“ April 11-12;
-Africa twin meeting €“ May 8-10;
-Lithuania Country Cross championship €“ May 30;
-APL €“ June 27-July 3;
-Season closing €“ October 10-11;
This are the main events.
I would highly recommend You to participate in the €žPabrade— rally€ś. It takes place in October. The exact date will be known by the end of summer. http://www.endurolithuania.com/en/rally/rally-ii
Video about last year event:

Ostatnio edytowane przez Drak'as : 04.02.2015 o 12:27
Drak'as jest offline   OdpowiedĽ z Cytowaniem