Spotykamy sie juz za kilka dni !
To bedzie zabawa
U kogo opony tylko dla asfaltu - rowniez beda mialy radosci.
Szuter, asfalt, widoky nie turystycznie
Do spotkania juz w piatek!!!
So, main AfricaTwin.LT event is coming up! This weekend almost all lithuanian AfricaTwin drivers will meet in Stakliskes for spending time together ant have lot of fun. Also will arrive guests from Poland, Russia, Ukraine, Latvia, Estonia, Finland, Norway and Czech Republic! More than 100 bikes.
During meeting we will have opportunity to test new CRF1000 AfricaTwin motorcycles (thanks for Lithuanian Honda dealer "Nippon Auto"), drive in two categories competitions (travel and enduro tracks), take rest in sauna and etc.
Thanks for people, who people, who organize this meeting:
Gintaras a.k.a Hanss
Algis a.k.a Rushanas (Africa Zona coordinator)
Donatas a.k.a. Dunse (Dunse Zona coordinator)
WildBikeRiders club for music and lights equipment.
Lithuanian Enduro Club for AfricaZona organization.
THANKS for our main sponsor "MOTOSHOP" (everything for us and for our Africas

), who helps to organize all AfricaTwin.LT meetings for 6 years!
Also thanks for KMOTO, MotoDay and MotoBay.