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Stary 31.08.2016, 00:14   #5
ArturS's Avatar

Zarejestrowany: Jul 2010
Miasto: Łaziska Górne
Posty: 927
Motocykl: Yama XT614Z Terefere, Husq. TE610ie
Przebieg: x34tys
Galeria: Zdjęcia
ArturS jest na dystyngowanej drodze
Online: 1 miesiąc 1 tydzień 2 dni 10 godz 44 min 22 s

Tutaj masz odpowiedni wątek http://advrider.com/index.php?thread...-ideas.687130/

Wiadomość PW z Wikiloc:
"Hi mototracks,
I've seen your trails on wikiloc and wondered if you might like to get involved in a wee project that I'm coordinating - a Trans Euro Trail - a bit like the Trans America Trail.
We're aiming to map out a route from Tarifa in Spain to North Cape, Norway using legal unsurfaced roads, tracks, beaches and paths as much as possible. We are doing well. (http://advrider.com/index.php?threads/trans-europe-trail-ideas.687130/).
As well as running a direct Western Europe North-South route, it would be nice to loop round from southern France through Italy, down through the Balkans to Greece then back up through eastern Europe to the Baltic states, Finland and up to Norway that way. Would you like to contribute
The aim is to make the track available free of charge with local riders maintaining the up to date status of their sections. It is aimed at middle weight trail bikes like the WR250R, DRZ400, XR400, F800GS, GP450, XT660Z, KTM 690 and the like carrying light camping gear. Minimum asphalt, beautiful scenery, fun, challenging but not ridiculously technical.
Ideally sections will be provided by local riders so they can then keep an eye on their legality, improve them and we will "stitch" them together. It also gives folk an opportunity to meet others passing through.
All the best,
John (jandfross@gmail.com)"
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