Wątek: Nexx xd1
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Stary 03.03.2017, 15:53   #37
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Zarejestrowany: Aug 2016
Miasto: Warszawa
Posty: 306
Motocykl: RD07a
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A oto oficjalne info dotyczące emergency strap, które przesłał do mnie NEXX

"NEXX Helmets suspended the use of emergency strap on the X.D1, X.T1 and X.R2 models. The decision came as a result of a legal dispute that has arisen with a foreign patent at an international level in some specific markets.As a serious and innovative company, NEXX Helmets will never copy or develop any product based on patented technologies other than ours.
Safety is our biggest priority, so a new system is already in development though there is no date yet for its introduction."

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