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Stary 06.09.2017, 17:36   #2
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Zapłaciłem składkę :) Dział PiD

Zarejestrowany: Aug 2015
Miasto: Scyzortown
Posty: 11,113
Motocykl: No Afrika anymore
Emek jest na dystyngowanej drodze
Online: 1 rok 7 miesiące 1 tydzień 20 godz 18 min 3 s

Co to znaczy strzela Grzechu? Jak odkręcasz czy zamykasz gaz? Wydech ori? Jak zmieniałem wydech to w zestawie miałem taką stalową kulkę. Nie miałem pojęcia o co biega więc zapytałem w Wingsie o co kaman.
After installing an aftermarket muffler you may notice a popping on deceleration. Some call it backfiring but that is not accurate at all. Backfiring only occurs when the engine is out of proper timing and exhaust gases exit the engine through the intake side. Nowadays, backfiring doesn’t occur any more because of electronic management.
However, popping (which is not at all damaging to the engine) is present all the time but it isn’t audible due to heavy large obstructive original muffler with much “back-pressure”. Aftermarket muffler, easier breathing, lighter and smaller with less “back-pressure” only reveals the pre-existing popping on deceleration. Someone may like this sound but if you don’t, the cure is simple. Modern engines are equipped with Secondary Air System (SAS) which introduces filtered air into
the exhaust gases in the exhaust port. This happens whenever the negative pressure pulse in the exhaust system sucks the air into the exhaust port.
This secondary air promotes burning of the unburned gases. You hear popping as a consequence. In order to eliminate this, you just need to block the SAS by simply putting the small metal ball A provided with the WINGS muffler into the rubber hose as shown on the picture. As you can see, this air-suction hose is located between the air filter housing and the exhaust port.
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