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Stary 16.04.2018, 13:24   #16
diego's Avatar

Zarejestrowany: Aug 2017
Miasto: prawie Kielce
Posty: 305
Przebieg: znośny
diego jest na dystyngowanej drodze
Online: 1 tydzień 2 dni 9 godz 10 min 37 s

mam odpowiedz od wlasciciela tej trasy (na FB na grupie TET mi odpisal)

Hey Piotr, until you go in the end of August there will be new track as some parts of the previous one were destroyed by heavy logging machines and not rideable. As you might have noticed this winter (and spring) was enormously snowy - last snowfalls were just few weeks ago in Carpathian Mountains and that makes it impossible to go and scout for new routes. Before new update comes out I do NOT recommend anyone going following the TET UA gpx, no matter on displacement, skills and how many times you drank beers with Blazusiak after finishing Red Bull Romaniacs.
generalnie pisze ze odradza jazde bo sciezki zostaly zniszczone przez ciezki sprzet (ciekawe) i przed naszym wypadem w sierpniu ma byc nowy track.
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