Napisał myku
Ja chce ich 80tke Ale najpierw musze miec odpowiedni tyl. To clo i vat tez mysze obejsc. Szkoda 
Od listopada 2018 zaczynają wysyłkę z Europy , a do wieczora mozna uzyskać rabat 19% - cod - Intermot2018 .SprawdzaŁEM DZIAŁA
Roel here with Mosko Moto. Thanks for your message and your interest in our gear.
Shipping from the USA is really expensive, but it should only be $50 for that order. I'll make you a good deal to compensate for the shipping. Here is a 19% discount code from Intermot. But it is only valid until the end of today: Intermot2018
Another option is to wait until we start shipping from Europe in November.