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Stary 01.11.2018, 21:44   #14

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Doopa z legalnego dojazdu na moto do tych Szkockich domków.

Napisałem maila do Mountain Bothies Association (https://www.mountainbothies.org.uk) i niestety do żadnego z nich nie ma bezpośredniego dojazdu.

Thanks for your message - sorry to take so long to respond. All the bothies we maintain are intended to be accessible on foot, by kayak, or by bicycle - not by vehicle or motorbike. Where there is a vehicle track to the bothy there is also a locked gate. If we need to take a vehicle to carry in tools or material for a work party we request special permission from the landowner. So no, none of the bothies we maintain are accessible by motorbike.
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