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Stary 07.01.2019, 22:29   #79
ex1's Avatar

Zarejestrowany: Jul 2009
Miasto: Szczecin
Posty: 3,000
Motocykl: CRF1100
ex1 jest na dystyngowanej drodze
Online: 1 miesiąc 1 tydzień 4 dni 12 godz 27 min 36 s

zaciekawiła mnie ta afryka na FB

napisałem do gościa odnośnie modyfikacji zawieszenia

"the suspension is done by Hyperpro they higherd them and made the suspension a little bit harder."

napisałem do HYPERPRO

dostałem odpowiedź

For the CRF1000 we can offer several different solutions which go from replacement springs which raise the bike 20mm to a custom build shock built to your wishes. In order to determine what you need we would like to have some information;

Weight rider
Weight passenger / luggage
Preferred height increase

potem jeszcze jedno potwierdzenie

"The front can be raised with 20mm by installing our progressive front springs.

For the rear you can either install a replacement spring which raises the bike 20 mm or install a complete new shock absorber which can be build to raise the rear 20mm and which is adapted toe the mentioned weight. For the way you use the motorcycle, we would advise the fully adjustable shock absorber.

Progressive front springs € 140.50 retail excl. VAT
Progressive rear spring +20mm € 90,- retail excl. VAT
Fully adjustable shock custom build € 745,- retail excl. VAT
We hope to have informed you well. If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact us."

i teraz mnie zastanawia.. jak oni chcą podnieść afrę wiekszymi sprężynami
co o tym myślicie...?
Super Lekkie Enduro (950 SE), do tego ROGAL i już jest fajnie..
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