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Stary 02.02.2019, 01:21   #70
rene82's Avatar

Zarejestrowany: May 2016
Miasto: radom
Posty: 105
Motocykl: crf 1000A->790advR/drz 400e
rene82 jest na dystyngowanej drodze
Online: 1 tydzień 6 dni 17 godz 30 min 33 s

wrzucę taką kurtke
icon raiden dkr

może ktoś już nabył?
na razie tylko to znalazłem
"I've had the Raiden in Tan for about a year. I've had a chance to ride it in intense heat and in the winter. I've also had some good wipe outs in it and it's held up wonderfully.
It's taken any abuse I've been able to throw at it. It handles the heat and the rain without breaking a sweat. The DKR keeps everything nice and dry, better than the Klim Traverse I sold to buy this one.
The monkey paw glove liners are a pain in the heat, but awesome in the cold. The warm puffy liner seems weird, but it works well. I should say it worked well. It's in the middle of the Targhee National Forest somewhere. I miss it, but I throw a down sweater on underneath and it's all good.
The only knock that I have against it is that the front zipper cover is starting to fray a bit. It's a minor gripe, but it looks kind of rough.
All in all a great jacket and the color stands out in a crowd of grey and black."

W skrócie że niby miał wcześniej klim traverse a toto lepsze.
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