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Stary 26.05.2019, 15:33   #5
Sidorowski's Avatar

Zarejestrowany: Jul 2015
Miasto: Warszawa
Posty: 94
Motocykl: nie mam AT jeszcze
Przebieg: >120000
Sidorowski jest na dystyngowanej drodze
Online: 2 tygodni 19 godz 24 min 58 s

Dear Sir,

We inform you that DN7C (Transfagarasan highway) is officially closed from 30th of October until 30th of June.

We also inform you that DN 67C (Transalpina) is closed by 1 July 2019 because of unfavorable weather conditions. Unfortunately, on this road is impossible to drive because the snow has several meters.

CNAIR calls on drivers to respect established restrictions and not to enter the road sector at times other than permitted because they are endangered by altitude stagnation, which can lead to ice formation on the road, dense fog, as well as rock fall.

Best regards,

Wysłane z Nokii 3310
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