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Stary 16.10.2019, 14:46   #343
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Zarejestrowany: Apr 2008
Miasto: Gdynia
Posty: 469
Motocykl: NAT
Galeria: Zdjęcia
darius jest na dystyngowanej drodze
Online: 1 miesiąc 2 tygodni 2 dni 10 godz 32 min 44 s

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Czy te zawiasy Showa na postoju automatycznie obniżą siedzisko na sam dół?
"This system is designed so that the height is lowered just before the vehicle comes to a stop, where the timing of opening the electronically controlled valve is controlled by vehicle speed and deceleration G, which takes only about a second. The height is raised completely in about 30 seconds after starting on normal paved roads"

Źródło: https://www.showa1.com/en/technology...eightflex.html


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