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Stary 21.06.2020, 12:54   #1092
QrczaQ's Avatar

Zarejestrowany: Mar 2008
Miasto: Sexu i biznesu
Posty: 1,562
Motocykl: CRF1000, R80G/S PD, DR650SE
QrczaQ jest na dystyngowanej drodze
Online: 2 tygodni 5 dni 3 godz 3 min 52 s

Instrukcja montazu (czysciciela ogona) akcesoryjnego mocowania tablicy rejestracyjnej R&G.
Jakis żart pan Honda nam zrobil. Jak myśle o jakimkolwiek dłubaniu przy tym motorze to mi się słabo robi. Chce założyć gniazdko zapalniczki i grzane minetki ale to raczej temat "na zime".

Filmik takiego amatora ktory to montuje. 1 godzina 50 min filmik... Koleś może nie zwinna waszka ale też nie lewus. Zwykły blok. Łamie plastiki, bo inaczej widać jest cieżko (taki projekt Hondy), śrub cała garść, każda inna, wszystkie podobne... nasadowe, imbusy, gwiazdkowe. Idź pan w H.

Instrukcja montazu 9 stron pare zdjec, drobnym druczkiem. FITTING INSTRUCTIONS
• To fit the R&G tail tidy, remove the main seat using the key and the pillion seat by removing the two hand operated bolts shown in picture 1.
• Remove the bolts shown in pictures 2 and 3 from both sides and then remove the pillion handle/luggage rack.
• From both sides of the bike remove the bolts shown in pictures 4, 5 and 6 and 7.
• From the right side of the bike remove the bolts shown in pictures 8 and 9 and then remove the cover panel.
• From the right side remove the bolt shown in picture 10
• Remove the rear fairing panels from both sides by gently releasing the clips around the outside using a small amount of pressure.
• Remove the 4 bolts shown in picture 13, these bolts are also shown in picture 11 and 12.
• Remove the 2 bolts shown in picture 14.
• The seat mounting bracket can now be removed to gain better access to the wiring connectors.
• Remove the nuts on the back of the tail light and unplug the connector shown in picture 15.
• Release the clip on the tail light shown in picture 16 by pulling the tail light up as shown in picture 17.
• Remove the white connector shown in picture 18.
• Remove the two bolts shown in picture 19.
• Remove the nuts and bolts shown in picture 20 and remove the metal bracket.
• Secure the metal bracket to the licence plate bracket (item 1) using the M8 bolts (item 7), M8 washers (item 9) and the nuts removed in picture 20.
• Protect the wiring of the licence plate illuminator (item 3) with a length of heatshrink (item 13) as shown in picture 22.
• Secure the licence plate illuminator (item 3) to the licence plate bracket (item 1) using the supplied nuts and washers. Please note you will have to fit the light shroud and use a small amount of adhesive to hold it in position.
• Pass the licence plate illuminator (item 3) wiring through the licence plate bracket cover (item 2) and through the central hole in the licence plate bracket (item 1) as shown in picture 23.
• Cut and secure the rubber u-channel (item 12) as shown in picture 23.
• Secure the licence plate illuminator wiring to the licence plate bracket cover plate (item 2) using the included cable tie (item 14). Ensure the head of the cable tie sits on the back of the cover plate so it will sit inside the recess on the licence plate bracket (item 1). Trim the cable tie once fitted.
• Secure the licence plate bracket cover (item 2) to the licence plate bracket (item 1) using the two 12mm M6 bolts (item 5), two M6 washers (item 8) and two 5.2mm spacers (item 4) as shown in pictures 24, 25 and 26. The spacers sit between the licence plate bracket and the cover.
• Offer the licence plate bracket assembly up to the bike and pass the tail light connector through the metal bracket as shown in picture 27.
• Pass the licence plate illuminator wiring into the bike and connect the licence plate illuminator connector (item 11) using the bullet connectors.
• Replace the seat mounting bracket and secure the licence plate bracket assembly using the two original bolts as shown in picture 28.
• Connect the licence plate illuminator connector (item 11) to the bike wiring loom in the same way it was removed in picture 18.
• Place one M6 washer (item 8) onto each 16mm M6 bolt (item 6) and put these through the rear mounting holes of the tail shown in picture 29. Place one M6 washer (item 8) on both bolts between the licence plate bracket and the plastic tail panel as shown in picture 30. Secure the bolts using M6 washers (item 8) and the M6 nyloc nuts (item 10).
• Replace the tail light in the same way it was removed in picture 17 and reconnect the wiring connector.
• Test the licence plate illuminator and tail light for correct function.
• If the licence plate illuminator fails swap the connectors.
• Replace the seat mounting bracket bolts, rear fairing panels and bolts and pillion handle/luggage rack and bolts.
• Replace the main and pillion seats.
• Depending on local laws, attach enclosed reflector (item 15) in an appropriate location.
• Test the license plate illuminator and all lights before riding.
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