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Stary 23.11.2020, 22:34   #6
jamarjan's Avatar

Zarejestrowany: Apr 2017
Miasto: Wawa
Posty: 146
Motocykl: RD04
Przebieg: gruby
jamarjan jest na dystyngowanej drodze
Online: 1 tydzień 5 dni 13 godz 34 min 19 s

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I only need an electrical pump to prime my mechanical pump. Can I still pull fuel through a Facet pump when it is off?

It depends on the specific pump. Some Facet pumps are equipped with a positive shut-off valve (also known as an anti-siphon valve), which prevents fuel from being siphoned through the pump. None of the pumps in the Posi-Flo line have a positive shut-off valve, so any of those would be a safe bet for this type of installation.

If you also want to be able to run the car on the electrical pump, then you need to check your chosen pump.

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