02.09.2009, 16:27
Zarejestrowany: Mar 2008
Miasto: Warszawa
Posty: 3,669
Motocykl: RD04
Online: 2 miesiące 3 tygodni 2 dni 7 godz 30 min 48 s
Napisał Lepi
Ze Słowakami jechal angol. Mialy wypadek i prawdopodobnie zlamany obojczyk. 3 dni lezal w hotelu w UB. Nie mogl się ruszac. Jego „koledzy” go zostawili i pojechali dalej. Slowacy go przygarnęli. Był przerażony, tym, ze zostal sam w swiecie w którym nikt go nie rozumie. Pokazywak mi kartke z napisem „95 18 litrow”. To jego caly interfejs komunikacji. Ruska policja skasowala z niego 1500 euro. Był w szoku. Chciał jak najszybciej do domu. Powiedział, ze nigdy nie przyjedzie do Rosji. A prawdopodobnie nigdy tez nie wyjedzie z Anglii. Motocykl, który kupil specjalnie na ten wyjazd tez go rozczarowal. Naprawde mu współczułem. W sumie fajny facet. Jezdzi w rajdach enduro, wysadza wraki okrętów i robi wiele innych ciekawych rzeczy. Może kiedys spotkamy się na wyspie Man.>>
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Na advrider jest relacja jego kolegow. Zadalem pytanie o to jak to bylo widziane z ich strony...
Very interesting
PM the link to me please it would be amusing to see what bollox had been said, it must have been difficult for him to 'save face' perhaps becoming a victim was his chosen route.
The guy was homesick and should never have left UK, it was a mistake and a big misjudgement of character on mybehalf to have allowed him to travel with us.
He volunteered to stay in Olgii whilst we went to Tsengel, it 'seemed' his shoulder was hurting.
I put the waypoints in his GPS for a rendevoux near the border which from there was a short and easy ride away.
He wasn't there.
After phoning his wife by SAT phone we became concerned, she 'said' she hadn't heard from him. I went off and found him in a hostel of sorts 5 miles away and right next to the border.
He'd met some other bikers and was heading home.
At this time Baz's bike was on the trailer that he'd built, Baz had been a good friend to him throughout the trip. Jarvo's last words to Rick were "If you f***ng break that f****ng trailer you can fe***ng well pay for it"
Throughout our time in Mongolia he was miserable and not enjoying it, we had several 'group talks' to try and resolve the situation, and we know he was looking at all his options to leave and get home, even if that meant flying since I doubt he was capable of getting back alone....as was the case.
I've been kind to him in this report and the above is only a brief description of events....there was so much more......as I'm sure the rest of our group would agree.
I won't comment further since this is a report about riding motorcycles