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Stary 19.04.2021, 11:14   #86

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Jeśli ma to kogoś pocieszyć, to odblaski mi odeszły częściowo w praniu także w kurtce Rukka Cosmic. Kurtka miała wtedy jakieś 2-3 lata i oczywiście wszystko prane zgodnie z zaleceniami producenta. Ciekawy fakt że spodnie (też model Cosmic), które były prane razem z kurtką mają odblaski w idealnym stanie.

Sklep, w którym kupowałem kurtkę zakwalifikował to jako normalne zużycie. Mimo, że niekoniecznie się z tym zgadzałem i miałem nawet słać maile do Rukka UK i centrali w Finlandi, ostatecznie stwierdziłem, że daje sobie na luz i najwyżej będę wyglądał bardziej "rejli" i "adwenczer" jak podjadę pod kawiarenkę motocyklową.

Poniżej też cała korespondencja ze sklepem:

I have attached 2 full resolution pictures of the front and back of the
jacket as requested.

I fully agree that wear and tear can have influence on the reflective
logos in question however unfortunately cannot agree that their wear
level on my jacket is normal. They were fully intact until last washing
so it was not gradual deterioration due to wear and tear. Rukka Cosmic
trousers washed in the same cycle have no issues and their logos are in
perfect condition.

I again would like to underline that washing was done following Rukka's
guidance on the washing tag and using Nikwax products. I haven't had
such issue when washing in the past.
I have referred your pictures to Rukka.

It is as I intimated in my earlier email. For a jacket of this age, purchased in 2015, a level of wear and tear in these transfers is normal and the Rukka guarantee only covers them for two years. They are largely a cosmetic feature and the wear does not impact on the structural safety of the jacket.

I could if you wish get a quote for a paid repair to these transfers. But I expect it would be in the region of Ł50-100 and a repair does not feel economic for this jacket.
Many thanks for your email.

Spending Ł100 for the repair of these transfers indeed does not feel
economic so I won't be asking for the quote for this.

But your reply raises a question why they are covered JUST for 2 years.
Warranty certificate issued to me by TranAm does not state any shorter
warranty period/s than 5 or 6 years:

'Rukka gives a warranty for five years (this can be extended to 6 years
when registered) from the date of purchase against
faults in material or workmanship in the motorcycle outfits. In such
cases Rukka will either repair the garment or replace it.
The warranty does not cover normal wear and tear, misuse or faulty care.'

As you see from the above warranty statement there's no mention of any
part of the jacket to be on shorter warranty period. Would you then be
able to explain why transfers are covered just for 2 years.
The Rukka guarantee covers you for manufacturing faults for at least a five year period but this does not mean keeping the clothing in as new condition.

Over the period of the guarantee the clothing will wear with use and this includes the transfers. But as I said the wear in the transfers does not affect the structural safety of the jacket.
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