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Stary 03.09.2009, 23:04   #8
Waldek's Avatar

Zarejestrowany: Jun 2008
Miasto: Tarnów
Posty: 208
Motocykl: Czelendz
Waldek jest na dystyngowanej drodze
Online: 1 tydzień 3 dni 14 godz 18 min 45 s

Napisał Brasil Zobacz post
This year, too!
Africa Twin meeting of the Balaton.
2009.09.04. - 2009.09.06.
Saturday OFF ROAD!

Hi Brasil,
I don't know what happen, but I have overlooked your information and now is too late to change all my plans for weekend. If I had seen it before I woluld go to meet you, but now as I wrote above, is just too late... It is so pity, specially I would join it with explore of Romanian off roads.
Anyway: enjoy your self and share with us with all photo you will made.
Regards for all boys and kiss for all girls . Hope see you next time ( in Poland or Hungary)
Pozdrawiam, Waldek
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