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Stary 13.06.2021, 00:21   #969

Zarejestrowany: Oct 2010
Miasto: Reszel
Posty: 751
Motocykl: nie mam AT jeszcze
Luti jest na dystyngowanej drodze
Online: 4 miesiące 1 tydzień 2 dni 3 godz 23 min 19 s

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Nie rzutuje. To jest Rosja.
Info z oficjalnej strony FAN ID.
FAN ID terms of use for visa-free entry into Russia
Foreign citizens and stateless persons can enter and leave the Russian Federation multiple times without a visa using their FAN IDs on a laminated card as well as in electronic form, subject to having a valid identity document, that is recognized as such by the Russian Federation (Passport).
Entry to the Russian Federation is possible from 00:00 on 30 May 2020 to 23:59 on 3 July 2020 (local time of arrival in Russia).
Departure from the Russian Federation is possible from 00:00 hours on 30 May 2020 to 23:59 on 13 July 2020 (local time of departure from Russia). When applying for a FAN ID, a spectator must specify the data of the identity document (passport), that he/she will use for entering the Russian Federation.
When a FAN ID is used as an entry/exit document for UEFA EURO 2020™ in St. Petersburg, the identity document of the foreign spectator must be valid at the time of entry into and during the period of stay in the Russian Federation.
ID cards of foreign countries CANNOT be used to enter the Russian Federation.
If the FAN ID application has been approved or the FAN ID has been received, and the foreign citizen or the stateless person receives a new passport, on the basis of which he/she is going to enter the Russian Federation, it is necessary to change the data in the FAN ID.
You can find out how to change the data in the FAN ID in the "Changing the data in the FAN ID application" section.
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