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Stary 13.10.2021, 19:54   #28

Zarejestrowany: Jun 2021
Miasto: Grodzisk Mazowiecki
Posty: 108
Motocykl: CRF1100
Bartek74 jest na dystyngowanej drodze
Online: 2 dni 1 godz 43 min 44 s

Napisałem do national cycle maila z pytaniem WTF? Czemu nie ma szum do CRF 1100?
Odpowiedz poniżej:
Yes, we will be offering our Vstream windshields for the new Honda CFR1100L Africa Twin models. We are looking to have these shields ready for release late this year or early next year.
I will keep your information on file and email you when details become available.
Ride safe

Scott Durham
Technical Service Lead
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