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Stary 14.02.2022, 09:23   #1319
Gilu's Avatar

Zarejestrowany: Sep 2015
Miasto: Glisne
Posty: 980
Motocykl: RD03
Przebieg: posiada
Gilu jest na dystyngowanej drodze
Online: 2 miesiące 6 dni 19 godz 47 min 3 s

NHS Test and Trace has identified you as a contact of someone who recently tested positive for COVID-19.

Unless exempt, you must self-isolate for a full 10 days from the date of your last contact.

If you're exempt, you should take rapid lateral flow tests for 7 days.

You should now visit your NHS Test and Trace account to give us more details, even if you think you're exempt. If you're under 18, show this message to your parent or guardian.

Your account ID is za....... Use this ID to sign in at https://contact-tracing.phe.gov.uk/i...g36ySU_XJhGGCy.

Thank you for doing this quickly. This helps to protect you, your community and the NHS.

Find out more about what to do when you're contacted by NHS Test and Trace: https://contact-tracing.phe.gov.uk/l...-and-treatment
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