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Stary 29.10.2022, 10:24   #18

Zarejestrowany: Jul 2022
Miasto: Kraków
Posty: 478
Motocykl: nie mam AT jeszcze
delirium jest na dystyngowanej drodze
Online: 1 tydzień 2 godz 6 min 18 s

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Przeniosłem z HP i dopisałem drugą część tytułu wątku. Uszkodzenia dotyczą sinika 1000, czy 1100? Kolego Delirium podrzuć jeszcze link dotyczący drugiego przypadku.
to ten sam link, wątek co pierwszy w grupie AT.

Ten drugi przypadek to AT z 2017 więc na razie tylko silniki 1000cc.
Może 1100 ma to poprawione.

2018 DCT wyglada mi na to samo chcociaz tam ich zmyliło włącznik startera, który sie zacinał przy okazji. Symprom hałas i wskaźnik niskiego ciśnienia oleju zapalony. Silnik do zmiany.


Bike has been with Honda. Outcome not good.
The horrific scraping noise stopped after I exercised the starter switch.
I was then left with the EOP light illuminated on the dash.
So it went to Honda to investigate.
They had side cases off and sump and found fragments of metal in the sump.
The fragments were finger nail size and appear to be from a side casing as the bronze colour can be seen on part of it and a clean mating surface is visible.
I asked them to drop oil pump to check, they said that was ok.
The noise has gone but the EOP light is still on.
They didn't check oil pressure sensor or even check oil pressure with a manual gauge.
They basically said it needs a new engine.
The bill for the investigation was £1036.
There was no broken cases found on my bike.
The master mechanic basically said he believes it may have been dropped by previous owner. The previous owner didn't ring any alarm bells with me and came off very genuine.
Will add link to metal fragments found.

Ostatnio edytowane przez wierny : 14.05.2023 o 06:40 Powód: Połączenie postów.
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