Wątek: XL 750 transalp
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Stary 11.02.2023, 23:02   #350

Zarejestrowany: Jul 2022
Miasto: Kraków
Posty: 478
Motocykl: nie mam AT jeszcze
delirium jest na dystyngowanej drodze
Online: 1 tydzień 2 godz 6 min 18 s

Pamietam z komuny koszt wyprodukowania Poloneza był około 40k zł tamtejszych a sprzedawali go za chyba 100-120k zł reszta to podatki, marże, łapówki ito

ale widzę się niewiele zmieniło, podają poniżej ze można cene w detalu pojazdu podzielic na dwa to sie dostanie mniej więcej koszt jego produkcji, a producent zarania tylko około 5% na samochodzie:

The closest way to find an accurate number when it comes to calculating the cost of manufacturing a car is to divide the car’s cost at the dealership in half.

This method eliminates the additional cost incurred after the finished product is produced.

The percentage required to be subtracted from the cost at the dealership varies according to the model of the car.

Additional costs post-manufacture fluctuate significantly based on the size of the car.

For example, a smaller car will have additional costs of up to 60% over the manufacturing cost.

This is due to the small margin required to manufacture them, reducing the value of the car brand. A higher percentage is attached to smaller cars to cover costs and avoid losses.

Taking into account the additional costs, car manufacturers earn an average profit margin of 5% per car.
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