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Stary 29.07.2023, 08:46   #19

Zarejestrowany: Jul 2023
Miasto: Italy
Posty: 15
Motocykl: RD04
diabolikItaly jest na dystyngowanej drodze
Online: 1 godz 42 min 36 s

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Why you are so pessimistic, that you prepare for bad things? So you intend to make your trip between 5.08.23 and 16.08.23? Do you have any itinerary for your excursion?

Greetings Marek

Hi Marek, I don't have a precise itinerary.......I would like to visit the most important cities of Poland and Slovakia....

P.S if you want to leave me your number I can call you in case of need.......even just to help me translate from Polish to English for example....
diabolikItaly jest offline   Odpowiedź z Cytowaniem