Wyświetl Pojedyńczy Post
Stary 19.08.2023, 07:30   #24

Zarejestrowany: Jul 2023
Miasto: Italy
Posty: 15
Motocykl: RD04
diabolikItaly jest na dystyngowanej drodze
Online: 1 godz 42 min 36 s

hello guys, the holiday is over I'm back in Italy and I want to say that poland is beautiful.......for sure I will go back to poland.....I visited few cities because I had little time.... .warsaw, krakow, lodz, gdansk....and then i don't remember.....i'll post some photos (i'm not fond of photos....i just took a few photos..)..... the perfect bike, no problem ..... I rode in Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria, Croatia, Slovenia ... total km 7200 ....

P.S. I'm sorry if I didn't come to meet you in person, but I was short on time....unfortunately this year I only had 14 days of vacation....

I can't post pictures on the forum...

danzica - gdanks



this is the bike:

diabolikItaly jest offline   Odpowiedź z Cytowaniem