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Stary 07.07.2024, 00:19   #87

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Ekolodzy to jedna z przyczyn. Wystarczy bez 'gdybania' przeczytać wyjaśnienia na stronie:


There are mainly three reasons:
- since the event is completely self-managed, there is no reference organizer for contacts with the PS;
- it is not possible to guarantee a level of safety and emergency response adequate for the number of participants and the environment in which the event takes place;
- the negative impact of such events on the Alpine ecosystem.
In essence, the police want an organizer responsible for safety, rescue, healthcare and registration of participants.
This would mean taking on considerable responsibilities as well as considerable organizational and insurance costs.
And, in any case, it would mean being liable, civilly and criminally, for whatever happens. It would mean imposing a participation fee, which Mario has always refused.
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