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Stary 10.02.2011, 08:07   #10
Rychu72's Avatar

Zarejestrowany: Oct 2010
Miasto: wilidż Opole
Posty: 2,547
Motocykl: CRF 1100
Przebieg: 0 kkm
Rychu72 jest na dystyngowanej drodze
Online: 2 miesiące 2 dni 6 godz 39 min 30 s

Ostatnio mnie zdenerwowało olewatorstwo klientów przez Wilbersa i napisałem o tym fakcie do niemcowni. Mam nadzieje, że ich to nieco zmobilizuje do grzeczniejszej i sprawniejszej obsługi innych potencjalnych chętnych na ich produkty.

Oto odpowiedź z niemcowni:

Dear Mr. ............,

thank you for your email and your interest in Wilbers suspension products! I am of course sorry that you had made bad experiences with the Wilbers
importer to Poland however would you please tell me which company you
contacted - just to make sure that you had the right contact!
At Wilbers we normally are proud of our customer service and friendliness as well as prompt answers for us are very important part of our philosophy!
In any case of course you can order directly here in Germany if you want - we live in a free market economy, after all! Service of the shocks in the
worst case (if our importer does not improve its work) can also be done here
- shipping to Germany from Poland should not be a problem. After all we are neighbors, right?

So please tell me whom you contacted and in case that you have any
questions, don't hesitate to contact me again.

With best regards from Germany,

Dirk Wenzelmann
Wilbers Products GmbH

A jak ktoś chce to olać przedstawiciela w Polszy i gadać z niemcami skoro są bardziej chętni do współpracy.

I następna odpowiedź od Willbersa:

Good morning Mr. ......... - our official importer is:

Sikora Moto Centrum
ul. Warszawska 56
43-300 Bielsko-Biala
Tel.: +48338105119

The company behind the website wilbers.pl is BMC Electronics - they are a
dealer of our product but we already heard that they are not too customer
friendly... Sorry
- of course it is logical to look under www.wilbers.pl but
this company is not the best choice for Wilbers in Poland. We failed however
to get the web address back until now

Sikora on the other hand had been to Germany for training and is a fully
trained importer. If you want, please spread the word that if you need
Wilbers, one should either check with Sikora, or directly here in Germany.


Dirk Wenzelmann
Wilbers Products GmbH

Ostatnio edytowane przez Dzieju : 24.03.2013 o 08:55
Rychu72 jest offline   Odpowiedź z Cytowaniem

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