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Stary 09.12.2009, 19:26   #1
Brasil's Avatar

Zarejestrowany: Oct 2008
Miasto: Węgry
Posty: 91
Motocykl: RD07a
Galeria: Zdjęcia
Brasil jest na dystyngowanej drodze
Online: 1 dzień 6 godz 47 min 4 s
Domyślnie Africa Twin meeting in Hungary (Vízparti Twinparty 5.) - 22.-24.05.2010.

Event will be held in Fonyódliget Scooters Camp on the shores of Balaton.
There is no need for tents as plenty of apartments are available.
Some pictures of the camp.
1.200HUF (4,5EUR)/person/night + 300HUF (1EUR) one time fee is charged for tourism tax

Food is available in the camp’s restaurant.
4300HUF (16EUR) /person/4 meals

Saturday, 22nd of May, dinner: roasted pork, chicken lag, steak potato, fresh salad (cucumber, tomato, paprika, onion with topping), bred
Sunday, 23rd of May, breakfast: sausage, mustard, bred, tea
Sunday, 23rd of May, dinner: cattle stew prepared with red wine, noodles, pickles (with sour cream on demand), bred
Monday, 24th of May, breakfast: sliced ham, cold buffet, bred, butter, cheese, tomato, paprika, tea
Web: www.africatwin.hu
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AfricaTwinClubHungary
Skype: www.africatwin.hu
Brasil jest offline   Odpowiedź z Cytowaniem

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