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Stary 25.04.2009, 21:25   #11
Waldek's Avatar

Zarejestrowany: Jun 2008
Miasto: Tarnów
Posty: 208
Motocykl: Czelendz
Waldek jest na dystyngowanej drodze
Online: 1 tydzień 3 dni 14 godz 18 min 45 s

Napisał Brasil Zobacz post
Double room 1 night, Triple room 1 night, Quad room 1 night
(common bathing facilities – shower and toalett)
2.500HUF (apro. 9EUR) /night/person
Hi Brasil,
I glad to see you ane the others Hungarian friends in Balatonederics. The weather seems to be OK so it should be great event - as usually of course. As I know a bikers from Poland will arrive but I don't know exactly a number, approximately like in last year ( in Balatonfuzfu).
Would you like to reserve for me a one bed for two nights? It doesn't matter a kind of room. I expect that I will find somebody from Poland be eager to sleep in the same room. Should I take a sleeping-bag?
I hope there are a free beds. If not I have a tent.
Be so kind and send me an answer.
See you
Pozdrawiam, Waldek
Waldek jest offline   Odpowiedź z Cytowaniem

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